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LexInnova-Venture Center Award for Social Enterprises


To support a competitively selected and deserving social innovators/ ventures in the network of Venture Center with drafting, filing and prosecution support.

Notes: Process:
  • IPFACE at Venture Center shall periodically call for applications for the LexInnova -Venture Center Award for Social Enterprises. The call shall be open for a period of 15 days.
  • Applicants will be required to submit their application online via this site. See below for links regarding each call.
  • IPFACE at Venture Center shall organize a committee meeting to select the winning candidate who shall receive patent drafting filing and prosecution support (Note: Service fee will not be charged. But applicant has to take care of the statutory fees for any filings etc themselves.) from LexInnova.
  • The program coordinator shall then put counterparts in the winning incubatee company and LexInnova in touch to take the process ahead.
Call Links
Call 1
  • Call opens: 1 July 2015
  • Call closes: 15 July 2015
  • Apply online via this link
  • Announcement of the winner of the LexInnova -Venture Center Award for Social Enterprises: 15 August 2015
  • Service kick-off for winner 1: 1 September 2015
  • Service kick-off for winner 2: 1 October 2015
Winners for the LexInnova -Venture Center Award for Social Enterprises under call 1 in July 2015
  • Winner 1: Jeevtronics Pvt Ltd
  • Winner 2: ExoCan Healthcare Technologies Pvt Ltd
Call 2
  • Call opens: 1 January 2016
  • Call closes: 1 February 2016
  • Apply online via this link
  • Announcement of the winner of the LexInnova -Venture Center Award for Social Enterprises: 15 February 2016
  • Service kick-off for winner 1: 1 March 2016
  • Service kick-off for winner 2: 1 April 2016