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LexInnova- Venture Center Service for R&D Institutions


To provide patent portfolio analysis/audit for selected publicly funded non-profit R&D organizations in Venture Center's extended innovation ecos-system.

  • Depending upon availability of man-hours, IPFACE at Venture Center shall annually identify one publicly funded and non-profit R&D/academic organization for this service. The choice of R&D institution shall be decided by Venture Center based on a) inventive capacity and track record of the organization, b) receptiveness of the leadership of the organization, c) interest of the IP group or equivalent of the R&D organization.
  • The IPFACE/VC program coordinator shall then put counterparts in the selected R&D organiation and LexInnova in touch to take the process ahead. The IPFACE/VC program coordinator shall actively facilitate the interaction in order to define clear action points from the analysis.
  • None so far