Entrepreneurship Development Center (EDC) takes utmost care in the development and protection of its trademarks and reserves all rights of ownership of its trademarks. "Fair use" of Entrepreneurship Development Center (EDC) trademarks, that is, use by a third party without express permission or license, is limited to text-only references to Entrepreneurship Development Center (EDC) trademarks such as product and service names, and excludes Entrepreneurship Development Center (EDC) logos. In such references, you must be truthful, must not downgrade Entrepreneurship Development Center, and must not mislead the public at large. You must be clear and accurate as to the nature of the relationship between Entrepreneurship Development Center and your company, and its services. You may not use Entrepreneurship Development Center trademarks in a manner which could create confusion and mislead the public as to Entrepreneurship Development Center sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement.

Except as stated above, Entrepreneurship Development Center trademarks may not be used by third parties without express permission. To obtain permission, please contact us on managerincubator@venturecenter.co.in or gm@venturecenter.co.in

Following is the list of trademarks owned by Entrepreneurship Development Center

Venture Center

(Registered Trademark of Entrepreneurship Development Center )


(Registered Trademark of Entrepreneurship Development Center )


(Registered Trademark of Entrepreneurship Development Center )

Exciting Science

(Registered Trademark of Entrepreneurship Development Center )

DeeDee Labs

(Registered Trademark of Entrepreneurship Development Center )


(Owned by Entrepreneurship Development Center)

Cell Studio

(Owned by Entrepreneurship Development Center)

Cell Studio

Incubation Practice School

(Owned by Entrepreneurship Development Center)

Tinkering Lab

(Owned by Entrepreneurship Development Center)

Mentor Pool

(Owned by Entrepreneurship Development Center)

Venture Base Camp

(Registered Trademark of Entrepreneurship Development Center )


All trademarks maintained by IPFACE at Venture Center