
The Pune Collaborative Framework plans to conceptualize, draft, discuss and finalize mutually agreed agreement templates so as to facilitate and speed up the initiation of collaborative projects and co-development initiatives in the Pune region especially relating to technology development, translation, validation and commercialization.

The agreement templates are intended as initial starting points which are partly or mostly pre-agreed and hence (hopefully) faster to close. The act of creating these templates itself is expected to also generally increase awareness of the contents of such agreements, best practices etc and thus also speed up the closure of agreements between institutions. The agreed templates are not final or binding upon the consortium members.


Key categories of template agreements that are proposed to be discussed:

Category 1:

Between two R&D organization

Category 2:

Between a R&D organization and a start-up/ small company

Collaborative R&D Agreement (CRADA) Yet to be added Yet to be added
Joint Invention Administration Agreement (JIAA) Yet to be added Yet to be added
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Yet to be added Yet to be added
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) Yet to be added Yet to be added
Service-For-Fee Agreement (SFFA) Yet to be added Yet to be added


Instructions to users of these templates:

  • These agreements are open access documents that anybody is free to use with attribution.
  • Kindly inform us if you have used a template so that we can gauge and track usefulness of the templates.
  • Suggestions on new agreements needed or modifications are welcome.

Other agreement templates may be taken up by the Working Group on a need basis and if there is mutual agreement.